Explore WOWBouquet’s collection of Christmas gifts for couples, featuring romantic flowers, gift baskets, and sweet holiday treats.

Showing all 172 results

Nuts Dark Chocolate Bar


Garden Roses Bouquet with Hydrangea


Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Tower


Chocolate Strawberry Tower Centerpiece


The New Yorker – Floral Arrangement


Ukrainian Themed Fruit Gift Basket


Roses with Macarons Heart Gift Box


Macaron Heart Red Gift Box with Roses


Strawberry & Macarons Fruit Gift Basket


Strawberry & Berries Fruit Gift Basket


Premium Meat and Cheese Gift Basket


Macarons Gift Bouquet


Christmas Blooms


Candy Cane Roses


WOWBouquet’s collection of Christmas gifts for couples offers thoughtful and romantic gift ideas perfect for celebrating love during the holidays. Whether you're shopping for newlyweds, long-time partners, or friends in a relationship, our gifts are designed to bring couples closer together. From elegant flower arrangements to indulgent chocolate boxes and gourmet baskets, our Christmas gifts for couples help create special memories and moments of joy.

Choose from personalized gift baskets, romantic flower bouquets, or even sweet chocolate-covered fruit arrangements. Whether you’re looking for a cozy gift for a quiet night in or something festive to share during holiday gatherings, WOWBouquet has the perfect Christmas gifts for couples. Our collection is filled with options that are both romantic and fun, making it easy to find something for every couple.

Questions about Christmas Gifts for Couples

What are popular Christmas gift ideas for couples at WOWBouquet?
Popular choices include romantic flower bouquets, gourmet gift baskets, and chocolate-covered fruit arrangements that couples can enjoy together.

Can I personalize Christmas gifts for couples?
Yes, WOWBouquet offers options to personalize gifts, including adding custom messages, to make your gift for couples even more special and meaningful.

Do you offer joint Christmas gifts for couples?
Yes, we offer a variety of joint gifts, such as gourmet baskets, sweet treats, and holiday gift boxes that are perfect for sharing between couples.

Are WOWBouquet's Christmas gifts for couples suitable for both romantic and platonic relationships?
Absolutely! Our gifts range from romantic flowers to fun and thoughtful gift baskets that work well for both romantic and close platonic couples.

Can I send Christmas gifts for couples to different locations?
Yes, WOWBouquet delivers Christmas gifts within our service areas, including NYC, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Some arrangements can be shipped nationwide.