Discover WOWBouquet’s delightful birthday gifts, featuring beautifully crafted gift baskets, fresh fruit arrangements, and more. Perfect for any celebration, our offerings are locally delivered across NY, NJ, and the 5 Boroughs, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. Make every birthday special with WOWBouquet!

Showing 1–36 of 267 results

Gift Box with Fruits


Premium Meat and Cheese Gift Basket


Nuts Dark Chocolate Bar


Chocolate Strawberry Tower Centerpiece


Christmas Blooms


Rosh Hashanah Gift Basket


Birthday Gift Ideas

Questions and Answers about Birthday Gifts

What types of birthday gifts does WOW Bouquet offer?

We offer a variety of birthday gifts including flower bouquets, fruit gift baskets, fruit arrangements, premium chocolates, and gift boxes.

Do you provide local delivery for birthday gifts?

Yes, we offer local delivery in NY, NJ, and the 5 Boroughs, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

Can I send birthday gifts from WOW Bouquet to someone outside of New York and New Jersey?

Absolutely! We provide nationwide delivery to ensure your birthday gifts reach your loved ones anywhere in the country.

How can I ensure my birthday gift arrives on time?

We recommend placing your order in advance to ensure timely delivery, especially during busy periods. Our team works diligently to ensure all gifts are delivered promptly.

Are there any special deals for birthday gifts?

We frequently offer special deals and promotions on our birthday gift selections. Be sure to check our website for the latest offers.