Elevate your corporate gifting with WOWBouquet’s Business Gifts. We specialize in creating custom arrangements tailored for employees, coworkers, clients, and more. From custom engraved boxes to personalized gift baskets, our offerings are designed to impress. WOWBouquet works with a diverse range of businesses, including luxury clothing brands, hospitals, corporations, attorneys, doctors, and more. Let us help you make a lasting impression with our fully customizable business gifts.

Showing 1–36 of 263 results

Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Tower


Roses with Macarons Heart Gift Box


Macarons Gift Bouquet


Side of Peonies


Business Gifts

Elevate your corporate gifting with WOWBouquet's Business Gifts. Our expertise lies in creating custom arrangements that cater to the unique needs of your business, whether it’s for employees, coworkers, clients, or corporate events. From premium gift baskets to personalized engraved boxes, our offerings are designed to make a lasting impression and strengthen professional relationships.

Business Gift Baskets: Our business gift baskets are carefully curated with premium items, perfect for showing appreciation and recognition. These baskets can include gourmet snacks, fine chocolates, artisanal cheeses, fresh fruits, and more. Each basket is elegantly arranged to reflect your company’s commitment to quality and thoughtfulness. Explore our Ultimate Gourmet Treats Gift Basket for a delightful mix of gourmet treats.

Corporate Clients: We understand the importance of corporate gifting in building and maintaining strong relationships with your clients. Our custom gift options are ideal for client appreciation, helping you express gratitude and reinforce business ties. WOWBouquet works with a wide range of businesses, including luxury clothing brands, hospitals, corporations, attorneys, and doctors, ensuring that our gifts meet the highest standards of excellence. Learn more about our services on our Corporate page.

Corporate Gifting for Employees: Recognize and reward your employees with our personalized business gifts. Whether it’s for employee recognition, milestones, or holiday celebrations, our gifts are designed to show your appreciation and boost morale. Custom engraved boxes and personalized messages add a special touch that makes each gift unique and memorable. Check out our Corporate Subscriptions for year-round gifting solutions.

Corporate Event Gifts and Centerpieces: Make your corporate events stand out with our elegant gift arrangements and centerpieces. Our custom designs can enhance the ambiance of any event, leaving a lasting impression on your guests. From conferences to holiday parties, WOWBouquet provides sophisticated solutions for all your corporate event needs.

Personalized Business Gifts: Our fully customizable business gifts allow you to add a personal touch to every arrangement. From custom engraved boxes to tailored gift baskets, we ensure that each gift reflects your company’s brand and values. Personalization options include company logos, personalized messages, and custom selections of gourmet items.

Corporate Gifts for Clients: Strengthen your client relationships with our corporate gifts. Our curated selections are perfect for client appreciation, showing your gratitude, and reinforcing professional bonds. With options ranging from elegant gift baskets to luxurious chocolates, our gifts are sure to impress your clients. Explore options like the Chocolate Covered Fruits Assortment Gift Box.

Questions and Answers about Business Gifts

How can I send business gifts to multiple recipients?

Contact us directly to coordinate sending gifts to several people. We can handle large orders and ensure each gift is delivered to the correct recipient. Reach us at [email protected] or call 609-968-7777.

Do you offer custom engraving for business gifts?

Yes, we offer custom engraving for business gifts. You can personalize your gifts with company logos, names, or special messages to make each gift unique and memorable.

What are the delivery options for business gifts?

We provide reliable local delivery in NY, NJ, and the 5 Boroughs, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island. We also offer nationwide shipping for certain gift boxes. Contact us for specific delivery details.

Do you offer year-long support for corporate gifting for all occasions?

Yes, we provide year-long support for corporate gifting. Whether it’s for holidays, employee milestones, client appreciation, or special events, we can help you plan and deliver thoughtful gifts throughout the year.

Can you provide corporate event centerpieces?

Absolutely, we can create custom centerpieces for your corporate events. Our elegant and sophisticated designs will enhance any event, creating a memorable experience for your guests.

How do I place a large order for corporate gifts?

To place a large order for corporate gifts, contact us directly at [email protected] or call 609-968-7777. Our team will work with you to customize your order and ensure timely delivery.

What types of items can be included in business gift baskets?

Our business gift baskets can include a variety of premium items such as gourmet snacks, fine chocolates, artisanal cheeses, fresh fruits, and custom-branded products. Each basket is tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences. Consider the Cheese Basket Deluxe for a sophisticated touch.

Can I personalize the gift messages in my corporate gifts?

Yes, you can personalize the gift messages in your corporate gifts. Adding a personal touch with a custom message makes each gift more meaningful and appreciated.

Learn More

For more information and ideas about corporate gifts, check out our blog posts:

Explore our Hospitality Concierge services for tailored gifting solutions that meet your business needs.