Christmas Strawberry & Macaron Bouquet


Add a festive touch to your holiday celebrations with our Christmas Strawberry & Macaron Bouquet, a beautifully arranged bouquet filled with fresh strawberries, delicate macarons, and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries. Nestled around the treats are artificial pine accents, bringing the spirit of the season to life. Perfect as a holiday gift or as a centerpiece for your Christmas gatherings, this bouquet offers a delightful combination of flavors and holiday charm.

What’s inside:

  • Fresh strawberries
  • Strawberry macarons
  • Hand-dipped chocolate-covered strawberries

This Christmas fruit arrangement is the perfect blend of sweetness and elegance, making it an ideal gift for loved ones or a stunning centerpiece for your Christmas table.

As with all arrangements, flowers, fruits & materials are subject to change based on the availability. We will do our best to ensure that the arrangement is still beautiful and amazing.

If you, or the recipient has any type of food allergy, please contact us prior to placing the order! Thank you!

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