Celebrate Labor Day with WOWBouquet! Explore our special selection of gifts, including vibrant floral arrangements, gourmet gift baskets, and delicious fruit arrangements. Perfect for honoring hard work and enjoying the holiday with loved ones.

Showing 1–36 of 210 results

Celebration – Flower Mix Bouquet


Peonies Box


Macaron Heart Red Gift Box with Roses


Chocolate Strawberry Tower Centerpiece


Gerbera Box


Peonies Heart Bouquet


Ukrainian Themed Gift Basket


Labor Day Gifts by WOWBouquet

Labor Day is a time to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of employees everywhere. It’s the perfect occasion to show your appreciation with thoughtful gifts that convey gratitude and acknowledgement of their efforts. At WOWBouquet, we offer a curated selection of gifts that are ideal for honoring employees, colleagues, and loved ones on this special day.

Floral Arrangements

Our exquisite floral arrangements are crafted with the freshest blooms, perfect for adding a touch of beauty to any celebration. Choose from a variety of vibrant flowers such as roses, lilies, daisies, and more, creatively arranged to make a lasting impression. A bouquet of fresh flowers is a timeless way to say thank you and brighten someone's day.

Gourmet Gift Baskets

Indulge your employees with our thoughtfully curated gourmet gift baskets. Packed with an array of premium goodies, including fine chocolates, savory snacks, and gourmet treats, these baskets are perfect for sharing and enjoying together. Each basket is elegantly arranged to delight the senses and express your appreciation.

Fruit Arrangements

For a healthy and delightful option, our fruit arrangements are a fantastic choice. Featuring an assortment of fresh, juicy fruits, these bouquets are both visually appealing and delicious. They make a wonderful gift to promote wellness and show you care.

Questions & Answers

What types of flowers are included in the Labor Day floral arrangements?
Our Labor Day floral arrangements feature a mix of vibrant and seasonal flowers such as roses, lilies, sunflowers, and daisies. Each bouquet is crafted with fresh, high-quality blooms to ensure it makes a stunning impression.

Can I customize the gift baskets?
Yes, many of our gift baskets can be customized to suit your preferences. You can select particular gourmet items or add personalized notes to make the gift more special. Please contact our customer service team for assistance with custom orders.

Are the fruit arrangements made with fresh fruit?
Absolutely! Our fruit arrangements are made fresh to order using the finest seasonal fruits. They are not only beautiful but also delicious and healthy.

Do you offer same-day delivery for Labor Day gifts?
Yes, we offer same-day delivery for many of our Labor Day gifts, depending on the delivery location and time of order placement. Be sure to check our delivery options at checkout to confirm availability.

How do I include a personalized message with my gift?
Including a personalized message with your gift is easy. Simply add your message during the checkout process, and we will ensure it is included with your chosen gift.

For more details and to place your order, explore the following links:

Celebrate the spirit of hard work and dedication with WOWBouquet’s Labor Day Gifts. Our fresh floral arrangements, gourmet gift baskets, and healthy fruit arrangements are perfect for showing appreciation to employees and loved ones. Trust WOWBouquet to deliver your heartfelt thanks and make this Labor Day truly special.