Discover the perfect gifts for him with WOWBouquet’s curated collection. From gourmet gift baskets to elegant flower arrangements and unique treats, our selection is designed to impress and delight. Delivered locally in NY, NJ, and the 5 Boroughs, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, our gifts are perfect for any occasion. Make his day special with WOWBouquet!

Showing 1–36 of 113 results

Peonies Box


Apple Basket


Coconut Basket


Gifts for Him

Finding the perfect gift for the men in your life is easy with WOWBouquet's curated collection of Gifts for Him. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, Father's Day, or just because, our selection of gifts is designed to impress and delight. From gourmet gift baskets to unique treats, we have something for every occasion and every man.

Fruit Gift Baskets for him: Our fruit gift baskets are filled with a variety of premium items, such as gourmet fruits, artisanal cheeses, fine chocolates, and more. Each basket is carefully curated to provide a mix of sweet and savory delights, making them a perfect choice for food lovers. Popular options include our Cheese Basket Deluxe and Meat Bouquet, designed to cater to his taste.

Unique Treats: Explore our collection of unique treats, including decadent chocolates and gourmet snacks. For a truly special gift, consider our Charcuterie Tower, White Chocolate Strawberry Tower, or Macaron Tower. These towers provide a visually stunning and delicious addition to any celebration.

Special Occasions: No matter the occasion, WOWBouquet has the perfect gift to make it memorable. Our Father's Day Bouquet is a great way to show appreciation on Father's Day, while our other curated gifts are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or just to show you care.

Questions and Answers about Gifts for Him

What types of gifts for him does WOWBouquet offer?

We offer a variety of gifts for him, including gourmet gift baskets and unique treats.

Can I get local delivery for gifts for him?

Yes, we offer local delivery in NY, NJ, and the 5 Boroughs, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

How can I ensure my gift for him arrives on time?

We recommend placing your order in advance to ensure timely delivery, especially during busy periods. Our team works diligently to ensure all gifts are delivered promptly and in perfect condition.

Why should I choose WOWBouquet for gifts for him?

WOWBouquet offers high-quality, thoughtfully curated gifts with reliable local delivery. Our selection of gourmet baskets and unique treats are designed to impress and delight, making any occasion special.